I have come across a wide array of skincare products that claim to effectively address the signs of aging. However, one ingredient consistently stands out for its remarkable ability to hydrate and revitalize the skin – hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in our bodies, is well-known for its exceptional moisture-retaining properties. These properties are the fundamental drivers in maintaining the youthful appearance of our skin.
However, the natural aging process and exposure to things like ultraviolet radiation from the sun and pollution from the cities we live in can decrease its amounts in the skin.
Taking hyaluronic acid supplements helps prevent this decline by giving your body extra amounts to incorporate into the skin.
According to one 2014 study, doses of 120–240 milligrams (mg) per day for at least 1 month have been shown to significantly increase skin moisture and reduce dry skin in adults.
Hydrated skin also reduces the appearance of wrinkles, which may explain why several studies show that supplementing with it can make skin appear younger and smoother.
When applied to the surface of the skin, hyaluronic acid serums can reduce wrinkles, redness, and dermatitis.
Products with hyaluronic acid play a crucial role in replenishing and improving the properties of hyaluronic acid, providing a holistic approach to promoting and preserving youthful, radiant skin. They are vital in the overall strategy to fight the signs of aging and maintaining optimal skin health.